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Showing posts from May, 2010

Session Sharing

Recently i had a issue like this; if same page opened using different tabs in the browser and trying to save then the changes are done to one page is effect to other page . Finally found it is because of the session sharing problem in the browser. Could be able to overcome this problem using view state in the my scenario. But had to work lot..;-)

Add ready Only attribute

If you want to toggle read-only attribute in a textbox you cant do it as follows. //This will make the textbox read only . textBoz.Attributes["readonly"] = "true"; //This will not remove read only from the text box. textBoz.Attributes["readonly"] = "false"; Solution :- //This will make the textbox read only . textBoz.Attributes["readonly"] = "true"; //This will remove read only from the text box. txtAbn.Attributes.Remove("readOnly");