Information visualizaion can be states as follows: “ The use of computer-supported, interactive, visual representations of abstract data to amplify cognition. ” I feel if Ptolemy did not find a way to represent a location still we don't know where we are in this world. This is a simple example which shows, to amplify our cognition there should be a stimuli. Then information visualization is highly efficient way for the mind to directly perceive data and discover knowledge and insight from it. So lots of researches are going on this area. The reasons for that is Human beings are tremendously influenced by sensory perceptions The way that we learn, grow, understand, and adapt is based on our ability to view, perceive, and conceptualize thoughts and ideas The power to visualize and graphically represent results, ideas, solutions, and problems in multiple dimensions, as well as to manipulate data and virtually collaborate with others, is the next big revolution...